0 thoughts on “Images tagged "featured"

  1. Just came across your blog in looking for metallic watercolor paint, of all things. I’m a watercolorist and so I sympathize. Dis she credit you or say, “after”? Let’s hope she just wanted to figure out your technique. BTW, your’s are much richer, fuller.

  2. Hi Deborah, do you remember me? – Jeremy Williams mother (Jeremy used to play
    with Gordon – 4th grade I think). I bought one if your paintings – purple flowers. I thought of you because I was getting a new mat and frame for it. Hope you are doing well!

    • oh boy, I went to post a blog – in about a year- and I find your message among others. Of course I remember you. Didn’t you and your tennis pro husband move to FL? What’s Jeremy doing? Gordon is married with a 3 yr. old and 1 1/2 yr. old and is a computer engineer at Google. He gave us a run for our money through his teenage years but in the end turned out great!

    • oh boy – I haven’t posted a tip or looked at my blog in ages….and just saw your comment. Yes, I did have that huge birch, though it was a sycamore, but it sold in the Northampton, MA show which is why it isn’t on the website. I’m doing 2 more at the moment, one similar, the other a bit different, for 2 commissions.